Official Silliness Updates

November 10, 2007

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, but I’m afraid my blog has become rather sillier recently, and so it takes me rather longer to get to work.¹

Many thanks to those of you who have left Comments, Emailed, Applied for Positions, and/or Submitted Silly Links for the Ministry of Silly Blogs. I feel extraordinarily Humbled to be a Part of such a Silly Group. Also Extraordinarily Silly. Another Post of Officially Silly Links will be Posted posthaste. Or at least relatively soonish.

We at the Ministry of Silly Blogs would like to encourage all Staff Members of the Ministry of Silly Blogs to submit posts of their own Silliness, in order to properly Highlight the Extreme Silliness of our Group Members, and thus of our Group. We would like to regularly post a List of Silly Posts of the Past Week or So. Additionally, we welcome Archival Posts of Silliness.

The Official Ministry of Silly Blogs NaBloPoMo group now boasts 48 Silly Members. And We at the Ministry do indeed like to Boast, especially where Silliness is Concerned.

We are pleased to report that 5 More Official Ministry Positions have been filled and/or created by Ministry Staff Members. Please welcome to our Ranks the following:

Secretary of Defense Against Squirrels: Ashley of If You Can’t Do Something Smart…

Chief Mistress of Leprechauns, Oompa Loompas, and Hobbits: Rach of Rachelskirts

Director General of Generally Indirect Silliness: Nerevised of kiwi countdown

Adjutant for Silliness Education, Indoctrination, and the Letter P: Bee of welikeplay

Chief of Staff: Anitra of I Love a Kiwi

In addition, 18 Official Positions had been filled at the time of our Last Official Update. Thus, there are now 23 Official Ministry Positions filled from among the 48 total group member. If my Arithmetic is Correct, this means that there are approximately 327 more members currently eligible for Official Ministry Job Titles. If you are among the Untitled Individuals, you may want to consider choosing a title from the list below, or creating your own title from the Mysterious Workings of your own Silly Mind. (For details on how to apply for a position, please refer to the previous Staffing Update.)

The Following Positions are still Accepting Applicants, including some Newly Added Silly Positions:
Minister of Internal Exterior Organization
Director of the Special Task Force on Mimes
Exceptionally Imposing Figurehead with No Actual Responsibilities
Deputy Chief of Goofiness
Head of Ministry Intelligence, Wit and Sarcasm
Supremely Powerful Director of the Department of Job Title Assignment
She/He Whose Job Title Shall Not Be Named
Second Assistant Minister of Silliness
Semi-Permanent Under-secretary
Undersecretary to the Third Assistant Minister of Silly Blogginess
Head of the Department of Jokes Involving Gerbils, Hamsters, and Other Small Mammals
Chief Investigator of Squid Intelligence
Curator of the Museum of Silliness
First Director of Secondary Silliness
Second Director of Primary Silliness
Silliness Liaison
Attache to the Undersecretary of Attaches
Chief Noodler (title suggested by the Director General of Generally Indirect Silliness)
Position of Pseudoscientific Quacktackery Attache (title suggested by the Director of the Bureau of Investigations of Particularly Silly Phenomena)

¹ Actually, it’s not so much the Silliness, as the Quantity. I have added an Intimidating Large Number of Blogs to my feed reader for NaBloPoMo. And what’s worse, these are blogs that are showing new posts Every Single Damn Day. Sometimes even more than one post. Curse you, Prolific Bloggers! Seriously, if any of you want to join in as an Official Co-author, that would be Swell.

5 Responses to “Official Silliness Updates”

  1. Veronica said

    Hello and welcome to our newest silly members!

    Official co-author? Does that involve real work?

  2. ink2metal said

    i would like to nominate myself as “attache to the institute of silly queer blogs of fabulousity, sarcasm, wit and unapologetic debauchery”.

    please see my blog at to review my qualifications and also my blogroll at to where i find silly on the blogosphere.

  3. Dear Sir/Madam/BadgerBuggerer:

    I wish to submit my application for the post of Secretary General of the Department of Nomadic Housing and Landscape Design. I have extensive experience in such a field. I am deeply concerned that Everybody Hates Nomads, and therefore they have been denied the water fountains and topiary that they deserve. If appointed, I would invite everyone over to my tent for coffee, cucumber sandwhiches and pencil sharpening contests.

    With respects and a pound of liver,

  4. Pixelation said

    I wonder what Jack Bauer does on his off time.

    I bet he grooms prize-winning poodles. Wouldn’t that be a shocking twist?

    I submit… this

  5. […] with the 5 Positions Filled as of the last Staffing Update and the 18 Positions Filled Previously, that brings our Grand Total to the Total that can be […]

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